
Do You Struggle With Hatred and Bitterness Against Another Person?

To forgive someone is sometimes a very difficult thing to do. The sad thing is, that when we refuse to forgive someone, they may not even know or care, and the only person being hurt is us.

Doctors agree that carrying around bitterness and refusing to forgive those who have wronged us can lead to all kinds of physical problems.

Whenever I write a new article on the subject of forgiveness, I am deluged with emails from people who say they would like to forgive their father, mother, sister, brother, or some other significant person in their lives, but they just can't seem to do it.

I understand their feelings. That person took something from us. Sometimes what they took was physical. Sometimes it seems as though they stole a part of our soul.

The choice is ours. Do we go on feeling hatred and bitterness toward that person for the rest of our lives, or do we decide that we are not going to allow whatever it was they did to control us any longer?

If you are having a rough time getting over your feelings about someone who has wronged you, check out the book titled, Total Forgiveness, by R. T. Kendall at Amazon. Kendall approaches the subject from a Christian standpoint and bases much of his book on his own experiences with an unforgiving spirit.

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