
My Characters Are Ready-Now All I Need is a Plot to Put Them In.

I guess my husband got tired of listening to me talk about Rob Parnell's Easy Writing System---he ordered the course online for me and now I am busily creating people to populate my first novel.

The course came with lots of extras, but I have decided to resist the temptation to wander off from its real purpose--which is to teach me how to write a good novel in the least amount of time possible.

I did enter the NaNoWriMo contest a year ago, but without a clue of a plot or characters so I joined the rebel writers and did my 50,000 words in thirty days on articles instead of a novel. This year, I would like to be better prepared when November rolls around so I can actually do an honest-to-goodness novel. I'm hoping this course will help me with that.

Anyway, I am doing a little bit each day on Mr. Parnell's course and was really surprised that he advises his students to create characters before planning the plot.

Since he is the author of many successful books, I decided it would probably be wise to follow his advice and am now enjoying the powerful feeling of creating characters out of my very own brain.

I'm pleasantly surprised at how real they seem when I have finished describing everything I can think of about their looks, feelings, goals, friends, family, unusual quirks, etc.

I'm having a struggle not to peek ahead to see what comes next, but, as I said earlier, I am determined to do this one-step-at-a-time. (Maybe the self-control that I learn here will help me stick to my diet better, too.)

I told my husband that his money was well-spent, but he says he'll believe it when he sees my name on my first novel. Even if that never happens, I have already received far more than his money's worth.

The course is still only $27, and is proving to be well worth it, at least to me. Anyway, if you'd like to check it out for your self, Click Here!

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