
My Hello Kitty Store

Yes, I'll admit it. I have a thing about Hello Kitty. I'm old enough that I can honestly say there was nothing even remotely resembling Hello Kitty when I was a little girl, and, even if there had been, I'm pretty sure it would have been too expensive for me to ever dream of owning.

Maybe that's why she (Hello Kitty) appeals to me so much today. I should have outgrown this phase a long time ago, but I haven't, and will confess that I made a whole blogsite about Hello Kitty.

At first, I thought I would just put up an article or two about the origin of Hello Kitty, but, as usual, I got carried away. Now, in addition to describing how Hello Kitty began, I have pages showing people how they can buy Hello Kitty dolls, swimsuits, pajamas, toys & games, and even shoes for their little girls.

Since my husband is always doing something constructive I have to justify spending so much time on this latest website, and at least appear to be accomplishing something, too. Right?

If you have a little girl in your life that might be interested in any of those Hello Kitty products, or if, like me, you are just fascinated with Hello Kitty, herself, run over and take a quick look at My Hello Kitty Store. I think you might fall in love with her like I have.

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