
Please Keep Your Perfume Out of My Space!

Today, a lady plumber is installing a new dishwasher in our kitchen. 

I am sitting in front of my computer in our second story bedroom hoping she will get the job done quickly,  and leave before I choke to death on the perfume she is wearing.

If I could afford  to send her away and hire someone else, I would.  Instead, I'll probably settle for enduring it a little longer and  just never calling that particular company to work for us again.

Seriously, why don't employers talk  to their employees about things like this?  They wouldn't have to make it a personal matter--just explain that since many people are allergic to scents, that employees are not to wear perfume of any kind during working hours.

Over the years, I have tried to tactfully tell family members or friends that their perfume is a little overdone and usually get a reply that everyone else likes it, or that they barely dabbed a tiny bit behind their ears.

Since even that tiny dab is driving me up the wall, you would think that they would be considerate enough to do without it when they come into my home, but it doesn't look as though that is going to happen anytime soon.  Maybe, if someone comes up with a study that shows that perfume causes cancer, or that men are actually repelled by women's perfume, the offenders will finally get the message.

Not that women are the only offenders.  Some men also douse themselves with smelly stuff, thinking that it makes them more attractive to women.  Unfortunately, most of the women I know feel the same way I do.  What we prefer is the nice clean smell of a freshly washed body--without anything added. 

Maybe someone should take an official poll.

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