
Isn't It Time To Have a Little Talk With Jesus?

Today is Sunday. The church service was very good today, reminding us that we are all a part of the family of God. We don't have to be lonely unless we choose to be lonely. We don't have to sit at home, bored, unless we choose to do so. We don't have to endure sicknesses and other problems alone unless we choose to. The family of God is always there ready to help us, pray for us, and listen to us.

During this past year, with my husband's heart surgery followed by several strokes, we called on members of our church family for help several times, and they were always there. We are thankful to not only call them our friends, but family, too.

This morning, I talked with several of those sitting near me, and realized that every one of them have problems. Some have many problems. I prayed that the Lord would help me to be more diligent about praying for these special friends.

I was overwhelmed after having surgery myself to find out how many people at church were praying for me. At the time, it made me much more aware of their needs and filled me with a desire to pray for them in return.

I must confess that as time passed, my heart seemed to become less and less involved with the needs of others, and my prayers became fewer and less fervent. You would think I would know better since in the past, I have often found that some of the best times I have ever spent with the Lord have been when he has impressed me to pray for others.

Well, as some people would say, "Time's a-wastin." I need to dig out my prayer list and have a little talk with Jesus. Anyone want to join me?

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