
Get Mom a Battery Powered Lawn Mower

Mother's Day arrives this coming Sunday.  Are you ready with the perfect gift for your Mom?

Since my husband has a ride-on lawn mower and always cuts the lawn around here, I feel like I have already lucked out in the  lawn cutting department, but many of my friends are widows and have tiny little yards where a ride-on mower would be kind of ridiculous.

As much as we older ladies hate to admit it, yanking that cord to start a gas mower, or dragging an electric cord around the yard without accidently chopping it into two pieces gets harder and harder as we age.  (You'll find out for yourself someday, but that's another story.)

If your Mom is in that category, think about surprising her with the gift of a lifetime.  A battery powered lawn mower that would take only a little effort to  operate and that would be perfectly suited for a small lawn and storage space.

Check out this  battery powered lawn mower that might be just right for your own Mom and read what people who have actually purchased it have to say.  (If your lawn is small, you might even want to order an extra for yourself.) 

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