Summer vacation, at least in Oregon means going camping, fishing, and swimming as often as you possibly can, because our summers are short and we need to take advantage of them before the weather turns back to rain, rain, and more rain.
Which brings me to my annual dilemma; can my two beat-up old swimsuits possibly survive another season? Even without looking, I'm pretty sure the answer is, "No." That means I had better get busy and start looking now so I'll be ready for that first trip of the summer.
I absolultely hate shopping swimsuits. Believe me, viewing my swim-suited body in a three-way mirror doesn't do much for the ego. And, of course, the saleslady always decides to pop her head into the booth to see how I'm doing at the worst possible time. Once I'm in the water, things aren't so bad, but in that dressing room, the mirror, unfortunately, never lies.
I ran across some Delta Burke suits the other day, and have to admit, they look pretty good considering that they were all plus sizes, but, at my age, looking like Delta Burke sounds like an excellent idea no matter what is printed on the tag inside the suit.
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