
Did We Elect A King When I Wasn't Looking?

Photo by Ikiwaner

Does anybody here remember President Jimmy Carter? Talk about inflation and high interest---wow, those were the days.

And, considering those days, some comments I have seen recently on blogs make me wonder why so many people seem to have forgotten those days and locked in, instead, on the presidency of George W. Bush and to anything remotely connected with Republicans.

There seems to be a tendency these days to link everything bad that ever has or is now happening in our country to our former President G. W. Bush, giving a number of examples of greedy and uncaring people and leaving us to assume that all of these people were Republicans. Were they? If so, my Republican friends must be unusual--they are loving, caring, giving people.

I have lived a long time and I can assure you that greed is not limited to Republicans or to Democrats.

I meet people all the time who, seem to think that President George W. Bush is to blame for everything that has happened for the last 40 years---except the good things, of course. When I remind them that the Democratic Party has been in charge for several years now, and things have grown steadily worse, they just blink and mumble something about it still being Bush's fault.

Kind of reminds me of a reference in the Bible when someone mentioned where Jesus came from and the reply was, "Can anything good come out of Galilee? An attempt today seems to be underway to get people to ask, "Can anything good come from a Republican?"

I am so tired of people equating Republicans with bad and Democrats with good. It really makes me sad when I see so many people being fed that kind of garbage. Garbage often served by the same people who put down Christianity, (while championing religious rights for Muslins, Buddists, Scientologists, etc.), who put down those who want to see abortion stopped, who put down those who want to see immigration laws strictly enforced, who put down those who don't want homosexuality and same sex marriage promoted in our schools, and who put down those who want to see our leaders stand up for what is right instead of always straddling the fence to avoid offending anyone.

They love to tack names like "Holier than thou, right wing, Bible thumping Christian" onto all Republicans when being a Republican has very little to do with whether you are Christian or not. In fact, many Republicans I have met are not Christians nor do they claim to be.

And, while I am still on my soapbox, I would like to say that I am also tired of some of the high ranking Democrats replying to any Republican who dares to express an opinion, "We won!"

What a childish reaction. Last time I looked, our government was supposed to be run by all those in power--not just by the party that happens to have the majority at any given time. (Or did we elect a king when I wasn't looking?)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi there Jean.

Thought I might pop in and see how things were. I see you are true to form. I don't really know how things are in the US of A, by I get the feeling some people are a little disappointed at the apparent delay in the democrats program. We have managed to keep things going at Blogevolve, but for a while it Was the Elly and Hutt Show. Like to see you pop in for guest spot sometime.

