

Governor Brown, of the State of Oregon, recently announced that Oregon is now the first state to provide free abortions to all comers at all stages of pregnancy--- even up until the actual due date of the expectant mother.  AND, we Oregonians will have the privilege of picking up the bill.

I, for one, am outraged.  Not just because I, as a taxpayer in Oregon will be sharing the cost, but because I have long believed that the killing of an innocent human being is murder.  Most of my friends hold the same belief, and to think that we are now forced into becoming complicit in this killing is abhorrent to us all.

Others I am acquainted with object on the grounds that they consider it totally unjust that they will be required to fork over hard earned money to pay for abortions, not only for fellow Oregonians, but also for illegals who, from what we have heard on the news, are joyful to hear about this and flocking to Oregon to take advantage of this windfall.

It may come as a surprise to you, but neither birth control, nor abortions are considered essential health care needs except for a few cases where the life of the mother is in question--at least not by most people's standards.  They are personal choices which should be the responsibility of the couple involved, not that of the taxpayers of Oregon.

Why were we not give a choice in this matter?  I know a lot of people who consider this outrage
serious enough to start a recall movement for this governor, or at the very least, demand that the new tax be put up for a vote by the people of Oregon.

In the meantime, I tried to relieve my frustration by heading  for one of my old favorites and designing me a tee shirt.  Orange wasn't my first choice, but it did seem to fit my mood which, at the time, and still is, ATTENTION OREGONIANS.  We seem to be sliding down a slippery slope.

Check out my designing efforts and see if you don't agree with me at Expressing My Outrage

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