A home study course to help me learn Spanish in a hurry so I can impress all my friends. If my kids are reading this article, they can find the one I want right here: Speaking Spanish Like a Pro
Or, if they are running short of money--and who isn't these days--I've always been interested in raising rabbits. An e-book on Rabbit Raising should help turn up the perfect guide to help me get started in a hobby that sounds like tons of fun.
And, in my particular case, being a mother who loves to write, I can never learn enough about improving my writing skills so Rob Parnell's lessons for writers should keep me busy for quite a while. It is reasonably priced, too.
Just in case your mother doesn't fit into any of the above categories, you really couldn't go wrong with a Kindle Reader.
I have a Kindle and wrote about it in one of my posts a while back. At the time, the cheapest Kindle was $79 and I thought it was worth taking a chance on at that price. I was right, and it has more than lived up to my expectations. Its best feature was that I could adjust the size of the print, and, for older eyes like mine, that was a definite plus. Since I bought my Kindle, the price is even lower and, although the higher priced ones may have more bells and whistles, the economy model performs quite well and I have never regetted buying it for a minute. In the short time I have had my Kindle, I have not only purchased a few titles I really wanted, but have also found many free titles at Amazon.com. Just go there and type in, "free Kindle books," and you should find a number that appeal to you. One free one I downloaded was, Transfer of Power," by Vince Flynn, which I highly recommend if you like adventure novels.
My first real purchase was a Bible, for only $2.99.
Now I do my daily Bible reading on my Kindle. The next day, even if I have been reading other books in between, I just turn to the index page where all my titles are listed, click on my Bible, and it opens at the exact place where I left off reading the day before. Another button takes you to a keyboard where you can type in a different place in the Bible if you wish, and that spot will appear.
If you want to order a new book, use the same keyboard to search for the title or author, and then go click on, go online, in the index to order it. Like magic, it is quickly added to your collection, and you can open it with a click and start reading.
Many public libraries also loan books for use on your Kindle, but I have only ordered one that way so far. You search the list of available books and, if there is a waiting list for a particular title, you add your name to the list, and they will notify you by e-mail when it is available. If not, you simply order the book, sign in to your Kindle, and the book is there.
The book I borrowed was loaned to me for 7 days. After 5 days, I got an e-mail reminding me that the loan period would expire in 2 more days. Then, at the end of 2 days, the book no longer opened, but I had finished reading it, so I deleted it.
Another thing I really, really love about my Kindle is that I can move text documents from my computer to the Kindle and read them there. As someone who never passes up an opportunity to download free e-books online, I am well-stocked, and have many I haven't even opened, yet. Now they reside on my Kindle, and when we go traveling, my lawnchair by the river, my can of soda, my Kindle, and I will while away the hours with those e-books I always meant to read, but haven't gotten around to yet.
If you are still wondering what to get Mom, and have some siblings you can share the cost with, go for a Kindle. Any of its many models would make a great gift, and your Mom will enjoy it for years to come. Mothers' Day this year is May 12th so you don't have a lot of time left. To find a Kindle just
right for your Mom, click on the image below to visit the Kindle Store.
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