Whatever choice you make, be sure you have good sturdy shoes to use when you do it. I actually counted 4 pairs of old walking shoes in my closet this morning. I absolutely hate throwing out a comfortable pair of shoes, no matter how scruffy they look.
The nicest pair, I reserve for trips to the grocery store or the mall. Even though I have never cleaned them, they still look pretty presentable. The next best pair have been relegated to yard duty and seldom get cleaned up after use. They are, in fact, supposed to be white, but are a bit more of a sickly green color as a result of walking in wet grass behind a lawnmower. Maybe, I should set up a sneaker-cleaning day on my calendar, because, to be truthful, there is more than one pair that are in need of a bit of refreshing.
The third pair of sneakers residing in my closet are for when I take my granddaughters fishing. They have, unfortunately, been subjected to more than one dunking in the lake but that's another story. Suffice it to say that my granddaughters don't consider it a real camping or fishing trip until grandma has fallen overboard or off the dock at least once.
My final pair of closet sneakers are the ones I keep reminding myself to put in the trunk of the car--just in case I run out of gas, have a flat tire, or break a fan belt 5 miles from nowhere and have to take an unexpected hike. I actually had to do that once in high heels and I can tell you it was not fun.
I hate shopping so this morning I went to my favorite online department store, Amazon, and found two new pairs of Nikes that were highly recommended by previous buyers and that especially appealed to me because of the pretty color accents. (Yes, I know that color isn't a very good indication of how well something will perform, but I figure there's no harm in getting a color like if I don't have to sacrifice quality to do it.)
Anyhow, with several grandkids who swear by Nike, how could I possibly go wrong? Besides, the Nike company owner has donated a lot of money to the college I graduated from so maybe I owe him a little loyalty.
Below are the two pairs I am considering. I've never had anything but white sneakers before so either one will really be a change for me. If you've got a minute or two to spare, click on each of the pictures, and let me know which one you think is the best buy.
A Or B
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