Governor Brown, of the State of Oregon, recently announced that Oregon is now the first state to provide free abortions to all comers at all stages of pregnancy--- even up until the actual due date of the expectant mother. AND, we Oregonians will have the privilege of picking up the bill.
I, for one, am outraged. Not just because I, as a taxpayer in Oregon will be sharing the cost, but because I have long believed that the killing of an innocent human being is murder. Most of my friends hold the same belief, and to think that we are now forced into becoming complicit in this killing is abhorrent to us all.
Others I am acquainted with object on the grounds that they consider it totally unjust that they will be required to fork over hard earned money to pay for abortions, not only for fellow Oregonians, but also for illegals who, from what we have heard on the news, are joyful to hear about this and flocking to Oregon to take advantage of this windfall.
It may come as a surprise to you, but neither birth control, nor abortions are considered essential health care needs except for a few cases where the life of the mother is in question--at least not by most people's standards. They are personal choices which should be the responsibility of the couple involved, not that of the taxpayers of Oregon.
Why were we not give a choice in this matter? I know a lot of people who consider this outrage
serious enough to start a recall movement for this governor, or at the very least, demand that the new tax be put up for a vote by the people of Oregon.
In the meantime, I tried to relieve my frustration by heading for one of my old favorites and designing me a tee shirt. Orange wasn't my first choice, but it did seem to fit my mood which, at the time, and still is, ATTENTION OREGONIANS. We seem to be sliding down a slippery slope.
Check out my designing efforts and see if you don't agree with me at Expressing My Outrage
Cancer Is a Very Scary Word
"Cancer" is one of the scariest words in
the English language.
Not long ago, I had met a few people who had cancer,
but not anyone really close to me, until my sister was suddenly diagnosed a few
years ago. Since then, many of my
friends, as well as my own husband have contracted the dreaded disease.
Recently, I ran across a wonderful little book
called, Curing Cancer With Carrots, by Ann Cameron, and was fascinated by her
Ann was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, and the prognosis
was not good. Instead of submitting
immediately to Chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Ann spent some time
researching other treatments instead, and came up with a unique alternative
which looked promising.
Since she was aware of the side effects of
conventional treatment, she decided she would give the natural treatment she
chose, which was fresh carrot juice, a few weeks to prove itself before
agreeing to Chemo and Radiation.
She juiced and drank 5 glasses of the juice every
day, and the cancer began to disappear.
Her amazing Kindle book (also available in paperback) explains in great
detail the benefits of carrot juice, the juicing process itself, and concludes
with testimonies of a number of other people who also chose this method of
treatment with great success.
If you or someone you know has just been diagnosed
with cancer, grab a copy of Ann's book, Curing Cancer with Carrots, and see
what you think. She has more than a
hundred 5-star reviews with comments from people who have tried it and been
astounded at the results. (If you drop by to take a look, be sure to read the comments from verified purchasers of the book.-- They are almost as inspiring as the book.)
Check it out by clicking on the picture below:
Check it out by clicking on the picture below:
Are You Planning To Join The, "I AM A CHRISTIAN" Movement?
When I was first
married, many years ago, my older sister and her husband were members of what, even then was termed a
"radical" Christian Church.
They held street meetings every Friday night in a nearby city where my
brother-in-law's preaching and my sister's accordion playing drew crowds to
listen and to join in the singing.
Although my
husband and I didn't belong to their church, we often went down to join the
Friday night group and thoroughly enjoyed the preaching and singing along with
many others.
A few years later, I led a
Bible Club of enthusiastic teens who thought a fun summer evening was one when
we went door to door handing out tracts or having a Bible study in the park
that frequently brought other park patrons over to see what we were up to, and
I was amazed at how excited these kids were to openly share their faith.Sadly, over the years, I have noticed that many Christians, including myself, and no matter what denomination we claim to be a part of have become quieter and quieter until today, they have become almost completely silent.
Why is it that Christians seem so reluctant to speak up about their faith when those who reject religion in any form do not hesitate at all to say so, and to belittle anyone who disagrees with them?
But, this week, I think I noticed a bit of a change. Small, but definitely a change.
Dr. Ben Carson, Sara Palin, former governor of Alaska, and Franklin Graham are among a number of high profile Americans who have recently decided to be silent no longer, and have even been photographed carrying signs proclaiming that they are Christians. That is like a breath of fresh air to me. (See the article here:
* Have trouble talking about your faith? Try wearing one of
these high quality Haines Tees, pictured above, to boldly declare your faith to every
one you meet. (They also make great gifts for Christian friends.) To order one for yourself, click here: I AM A CHRISTIAN Tee
Opinions Count, So I've Decided to Share MIne
Here's a nifty idea for getting your opinion heard even when you encounter that person who never yields the floor to anyone else.
Wear a Tee shirt with your opinion right out in plain sight where it might eventually discarded, but will be very difficult to ignore. One of my dreams for a long time has been to see our government reined in a bit by establishing term limits for members of Congress and the Supreme Court. We already have term limits for our president and, so far, that seems to be working pretty well. Why not do the same for our other elected officials.
In my opinion, no one should ever be appointed to a life term as our Supreme Court members are at the present time. If you agree, why not order one of these shirts, and see if enough interest can be stirred up to make it really happen? If you don't like the color or design, design one of your own, but get the message out. You'll find that not many would disagree with the idea so let's do something about it, by clicking this link, NOW! I Am A Christian.
Wear a Tee shirt with your opinion right out in plain sight where it might eventually discarded, but will be very difficult to ignore. One of my dreams for a long time has been to see our government reined in a bit by establishing term limits for members of Congress and the Supreme Court. We already have term limits for our president and, so far, that seems to be working pretty well. Why not do the same for our other elected officials.

In my opinion, no one should ever be appointed to a life term as our Supreme Court members are at the present time. If you agree, why not order one of these shirts, and see if enough interest can be stirred up to make it really happen? If you don't like the color or design, design one of your own, but get the message out. You'll find that not many would disagree with the idea so let's do something about it, by clicking this link, NOW! I Am A Christian.

Last Week I broke my big toe.
At my age, I really should be a little more careful about watching where I am going, but I guess we all have our lapses. Anyway, I was carrying a stack of clothes into a closet and whacked my foot into the wall as I entered the closet door.
The whack really hurt, but since no one was home to hear me yell, I didn't bother, and after a while, the hurt subsided to a dull throb. In fact, I had almost forgotten about it by the time my husband showed up. I told him what had happened, and took the sock off my foot to show him how red it looked.
Wow!. When had it gone from being red to being black and blue and from looking like a small toe to looking like a huge wiener? All of a sudden, it started hurting again, and my sweet, caring husband insisted that we go to Urgent Care and have it taken care of since it was a weekend and my regular doctor's office was closed. We bundled up and off we went.
I was beginning to enjoy all the drama by this time, and imagined all the attention my toe would get when I showed up in church the next morning wearing a toe cast and stumbling in on crutches.
A quick X-ray revealed that my toe was indeed fractured, but the treatment was a very unglamorous looking bunch of tape applied to hold the broken toe close to the uninjured ones until it healed. No crutches, no pain pills, nothing to show but the bill, which I won't discuss here for fear of giving you a phobia about ever having a broken toe of your own.
I'm practically back to normal now, but I've been avoiding that wall on the left side of my closet door like the plague.
Give A Gorgeous Garnet for January Birthdays
A Bit About Garnets
Garnets are hard and durable which makes them idea for use in jewelry. They are less expensive than diamonds, rubies, or emeralds so that means almost anyone can afford at least once piece of garnet jewelry and since they come in a variety of colors, you can search until you find just the one that suits your fancy
Although garnets may be green, yellow, orange, or varying shades of red, those most sought after for use in jewelry are red ones. Deep red colored garnets, which give an impression of luminosity, may have led to some of the myths and superstitions that have been attached to them.
Although garnets may be green, yellow, orange, or varying shades of red, those most sought after for use in jewelry are red ones. Deep red colored garnets, which give an impression of luminosity, may have led to some of the myths and superstitions that have been attached to them.
One such story claims that Noah used reflective garnets to guide the ark through dark and stormy seas during the time of the great Biblical flood. Another says the stone will protect travelers on their journey and bring good health to its wearers. Some even claim sleeping with a garnet under one’s pillow will cure depression.
Whether or not any of the above stories are true, the garnet is indeed a beautiful gem, and its composition is such that it is easily formed into different shapes for use in all kinds of jewelry.
If you are reading this, it means you are probably wondering how the Christmas season with all its hustle and bustle, snuck up on us when Thanksgiving hasn't even come and gone yet.
If your mom (sister, girlfriend, or other very special person in your life) has a birthday coming up in January why not surprise them with a garnet ring for Christmas? Not only will your Christmas gift problem be solved, but the birthday problem will be, too, when you take them out to dinner so they can show off the new ring you gave them for Christmas.
Beautiful, aren't they, and prices are really reasonable. Click on either images to find out more.
Are Christmas Cards and Newsletters a Thing of the Past?
Has a quick, "Merry Christmas," on Facebook replaced the almost sacred exchange of Christmas cards that has been going on ever since I can remember, and probably long before that.
There was a time when a Christmas card was eagerly greeted, because you knew it would contain, if not a complete newsletter, at least a brief summary of what was new in the life of the sender since the Christmas before.
Are we too busy these days to take time out to share our year with others, or do we have so many more friends than we used to have that it takes just too much time and effort to address all those cards? I think it's sad that a precious old tradition seems to be on its way out.
Think about it before next Christmas rolls around. If December is just too hectic, why not start a little notebook and add family events to it as they happen all year long so you will be prepared to really catch everyone up on your life next year, without spending days working on it at the busiest time of the year?
You don't have to write a book---just a sketch of the important things that have been going on with you, and maybe include a few up-to-date photos. (We all like to know that we aren't the only ones adding pounds and wrinkles.)
And, why not encourage other family members to do the same? When family members quit connecting with each other, the relationship between them eventually disappears. I think it's time we started "reaching out to touch someone."
There was a time when a Christmas card was eagerly greeted, because you knew it would contain, if not a complete newsletter, at least a brief summary of what was new in the life of the sender since the Christmas before.
Are we too busy these days to take time out to share our year with others, or do we have so many more friends than we used to have that it takes just too much time and effort to address all those cards? I think it's sad that a precious old tradition seems to be on its way out.
Think about it before next Christmas rolls around. If December is just too hectic, why not start a little notebook and add family events to it as they happen all year long so you will be prepared to really catch everyone up on your life next year, without spending days working on it at the busiest time of the year?
You don't have to write a book---just a sketch of the important things that have been going on with you, and maybe include a few up-to-date photos. (We all like to know that we aren't the only ones adding pounds and wrinkles.)
And, why not encourage other family members to do the same? When family members quit connecting with each other, the relationship between them eventually disappears. I think it's time we started "reaching out to touch someone."
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